
Data Privacy Notice

Effective as of September 1, 2024

At 24 Chicken, we take your privacy very seriously and work hard to protect your personal information. In this privacy notice, we explain how we collect, use, keep, and delete your information.

For customers ordering through food delivery and pick-up services online apps, such as Grab and Food Panda, we collect your name through the online apps to identify you and verify your food orders. Your personal information can only be accessed by our authorized personnel who process your food orders. Upon fulfillment of your food orders, your personal information is automatically deleted in the food delivery and pick-up services online apps within two (2) days from its collection.

For customers using their credit card or debit card as payment for their food orders, upon tapping or inserting your card in the card terminal, it prints out the customer’s copy and merchant’s copy of the receipt, which contain your name, last four (4) digits of your card number, and your signature. We collect the merchant’s copy of the receipt in order to reconcile your payment with third-party payment providers. We store the receipts inside a locked cabinet in the store where it is accessible only to our authorized personnel. After one (1) month from collection, the merchant’s copy of the receipt is securely shredded and disposed.

Your personal information is also shared with third-party payment providers for the purpose of processing your payments, and they are mandated under the law to protect your personal information.

For customers ordering through the 24 Chicken website, we collect your name, e-mail address, delivery address, and mobile number to verify your identity and to fulfill your food order and delivery. Your personal information is accessible only to our authorized personnel processing your food orders and those maintaining our website. Your personal information is uploaded and stored in a secure cloud server with AES-256 encryption standard for a period of one (1) year, before it is automatically deleted from the server.

For customers availing of Senior Citizen Discount, Persons with Disability (PWD) Discount, and National Athlete/Coach Discount, we collect your name, birthday, signature, and card number of Senior ID, PWD ID, or Philippine National Sports Team (PNST) ID. We collect and process your personal information to verify your identify, to determine your eligibility for the discount, and to comply with the relevant laws and the implementing rules and regulations governing the statutory discount and taxation. Your personal information is initially stored inside a locked cabinet in the store for a period of one (1) month and later securely transferred and stored in our main office where it will be accessible to our accounting team. The information will be stored for a period of ten (10) years starting from the end of the fiscal year of the collection date, before it is securely shredded and disposed. However, if there is a dispute with the tax authorities in relation to your availment of the discount, your personal information may be stored until after the dispute is finally resolved.

As our valued customer, you may rest assured that we will protect the personal information you have entrusted to us. We also commit to observe and respect your data privacy rights. Under the Philippine Data Privacy Act, you have the following rights:

  • You can be told about how we handle your personal information (right to be informed).
  • You can access the personal information we have about you (right to access).
  • If we're processing your personal information based on consent or legitimate interest, you can object (right to object).
  • You can ask us to stop, withdraw, block, delete, or destroy your personal information (right to erasure or blocking).
  • If your information privacy rights have been violated and you've suffered damage, you can claim compensation (right to damages).
  • If you feel that your personal information has been misused or your privacy rights have been violated, you can file a complaint with the National Privacy Commission (right to file a complaint).
  • You can dispute and have any mistakes or errors in your personal information corrected (right to rectify).
  • You can ask us to securely move, copy or transfer your personal information from one company to another (right to information portability).

This privacy notice may be updated from time to time if there are changes in relevant privacy laws and regulations, and in how we process your personal information. If you have any privacy concerns or questions about your data privacy rights or this privacy notice, please contact our Data Privacy Officer at